Sunday, January 4, 2009

Some Pre-Holiday Testimonies about Zeropoint

Our fifteen year old daughter was constantly stressed out about her schoolwork. She became easily overwhelmed with homework and studying for tests although she ranks among the top ten in her class. After trying the different ZeroPoint tools we decided she should wear the pendant all the time. By the next day she felt better already: calmer and more focused. I noticed she was emotionally more grounded and balanced. Every other day since she comes by and asks to be tested for her balance to make sure its still going to work. She is reassured the Toy Soldier Test works every time and that she is able to resist the pressure.
- Faye Brandmaier, Maine

I know the right foods to eat yet I often fall prey to food that does not agree with my digestion system. Unfortunately our society thinks bloating is natural, it is not. The bloating is a reaction from your body indicating the food was not good for your system. At least now we have a natural remedy help, the ZPG disc and laser. If my digestive system is acting up after a meal, I simply laser my abdomen and if that is not enough, I put the 3.5 inch Frequency Disc on my abdomen. The length of time may vary. I use the red laser for only a minute or so and let the disc do the rest of the work. My best results are lying in bed with either a disc or plate until I fall asleep. If the problem exists during the day, I'll leave the disc in my pants at abdomen level.
- Doreen Zic-Hock, Florida

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