Monday, December 15, 2008

Dont Delay: Use ZeroPoint Products right away!

Don't Wait and See By Leara & Dan Clausing

Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la! But it is also the time of year when we are led to believe in colds, flu, and a myriad of other dis-eases. But this time, you have a fresh arsenal to change the previous patterns. The trick is to actually use them! The timing, however, is even more critical. The SECOND you notice a scratchy throat, even a tickle-DON'T WAIT AND SEE! Immediately reach for your Naturalaser and use it on the back of your throat several times until your throat is clear. If you notice something might be discordant just before you turn off the light for bed, don't convince yourself that if it is worse tomorrow you will try the Naturalaser then. Get out of bed and take advantage of the Naturalaser in that moment and consider the possibility that you won't have a concern in the morning. Reach for the Naturalaser the instant you feel a cold sore, a migraine, a pimple coming on-DON"T WAIT AND SEE!

If you pull a muscle dragging the proverbial tree into the house or shoveling snow, or learning how to surf in Hawaii, don't wait and see if it inhibits your good cheer in the next few hours. Use your 3.5" Frequency Disc immediately and keep applying it to the tweaked area until the muscle is restored.

If you hammer your thumb, or injure your leg, or wound yourself, do what you need to do in terms of first aid, but don't wait and see how you are doing later before you decide to use the technology. The faster you get the technology onto your body the faster your injury will improve. The products won't help you sitting on a shelf. Develop the habit of thinking of them as an everyday emergency kit. And have a wonderful and safe holiday season.


Anonymous said...

I have one of the older Etag pendants. What are the benefits of the Zeropoint Pendant when compared to this?

newimproved50 said...

here are 66 frequencies in the ZeroPoint Pendant, more than any other company's. This gives a much more increased protection even when worn in pocket. Protects not only from EMF's, ELF's and negative thought frequency but from negative frequencies carried in air, food and water. Can be placed on site of injury until pain subsides, I use mine all the time to calm down my neck pain after sitting at my desk a few hours at work. I will hold on back of neck where my discs are swollen because I have degenerated discs and it will literally become hot as neck pain subsides. I wore it driving cross country and barely felt tired while normally I would have been exhausted. Hope this helps! Happy Holidays! Susan