Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The ZeroPoint Energy Awakening

There has been an important awakening in the last ten years. I call it an Energy Awakening. It's a huge shift as millions are looking to Alternative Health and Energy Therapies/Technology for wellness answers. (Also called Complementary or Integrative Medicine.) Healing therapies once considered eastern mysticism or vanquished to the New Age corner such as Reiki, Reflexology, Acupuncture, and Acupressure are now acceptable health alternatives offered in mainstream medical practices. One can't deny the mass openness to this new (very old) energy science never before seen in modern western culture. The feeling among many is we are on the brink of something extraordinary. Are we at the stage in history where we will see a new paradigm in the wellness field in order for the human species to be able to survive the increasing challenges of living in the 21'st century? Many believe so.

What are some of the physical challenges of living today? With the "progress" of bigger and better technology, the damaging side effects from this technology is hurting— sometimes even killing us. The negative side-effects from vaccinations, prescription drugs, chemicals in our food, water and air and the many electrical devices that surround us, place a tremendous strain on our immune system. When the body weakens it becomes susceptible to disease. We now need protection from man-made electromagnetic waves (EMF's for short) and electrical low frequencies (or ELF's) as well as from the thousands of toxins in our environment. No wonder there is an increase in cancer and auto-immune diseases! Short and simple: we are poisoning ourselves. The quantum (energy) technology of the ZeroPoint Products are part of the solution to help make our lives safer because they offer protection from the electrical and chemical pollution that is everywhere in the environment both inside and outside the home!
In 1994, the National Institutes of Health adapted a new term, Biofield, to describe a subtle energy field that extends out from the body. When a person's energy field (life force, Chi, etc...) is not in balance, the body becomes sick. The flow of this energetic life force can be interrupted through emotional upset, trauma and stress. When the blocked, negative energy is released, the body is free to do naturally what it was created to do— heal itself. Through the revolutionary technology of the ZeroPoint Global products, a shield or buffer has been created that works to maintain your BioField's natural state. With the ZeroPoint Energy Pendant for example, people are reporting that they are sleeping better, have a sense of calm, better focus and experience less stress and panic attacks. This is because the negative frequencies caused by anxiety, stress and panic attacks are being transmuted. Each ZeroPoint Global product is first exposed to a Quantum Field Accelerator and then specifically programmed with almost 200 specific blueprint frequencies for the human body.

ZeroPoint Energy products are a tremendous breakthrough in the still new field of Quantum Physics. The best-selling movie and book, "The Secret" brought attention to this field of study and the potential we have to change our futures by changing our thoughts and perceptions. The study of Mental Health, Anatomy and Physiology and Theology (the human spirit) have always been separate fields of research in the West. Quantum Physics reveal they are all linked. What we feel emotionally and what we think mentally, affects us physically. It seems the ancient eastern civilizations got it right... our mind, body, soul are connected after all. The masses are awakening to this fact and that Energy Medicine/Quantum Technology works! There is an awakening... an Energy Awakening. People are embracing not only energy medicine but the power of quantum high-tech preventative health devices such as ZeroPoint products. Global products is a burgeoning field for energetic healing and protection and many believe in the not too distant future, it will be commonplace to use these products. Maybe we are on the brink of a wellness revolution as great as when penicillin was discovered and it will only be a matter of time before this Energy Awakening will sweep our planet and change the way we view health forever. Welcome to the awakening!
By Susan Hikel, Zeropoint Wellness Consultant, Austin Texas

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